Fast Celebrant Training

How quickly can you train to be a wedding and/or funeral celebrant?
Is fast celebrant training the best way to train to be a celebrant?
Do you receive as much detailed information as those who train through weekly sessions over several weeks?

What is Fast Celebrant Training?

Fast celebrant is learning how to be a celebrant within a certain timeframe, usually 3-8 days (depending on which training company and which course(s) are taken). Some celebrant training companies offer 3 day courses for wedding or funeral celebrant training, some allow 5 days for both. Is this enough time to learn all required for the celebrants of today and for the future? (Read on for further information).

There are numerous ways to train to be a wedding and/or funeral celebrant. These include:

Online weekly learning
Weekly or fortnightly online training through Zoom or Microsoft Teams, for a set time duration.

Online daily learning
Daily online training held on Zoom or Teams with a Celebrant Trainer over a series of stated days.

Residential courses
Held in a venue such as a country retreat, city based hired offices, hotel meeting room, or a venue in groups of 3-10 students, or on a 1-2-1 basis (where offered). These were once the usual way to learn how to become a celebrant before online training was introduced.

Extended courses
Some of the recent online ‘colleges’ have courses spanning over longer timeframes of a year. These courses can be video watching based with limited student/Celebrant Trainer access.

Training to be a Celebrant

The most important thing to consider when researching celebrant training is how can prospective training companies help you to become a celebrant. Part of celebrant training should be information on marketing your celebrant business to earn money.  It isn’t just about the price of training, or the pace, it is about what you will learn and how you will learn it.

Your Choice of Celebrant Training
Do you want to learn at a faster, intense pace or are weekly/fortnightly sessions better for you?
Are you in a hurry as you have been asked to take a funeral or a wedding for somebody so fast celebrant training is required to teach you how to do this?
Do you prefer to learn during a holiday period from your current employment to be finished before you return to your employment?
Do you have family commitments which could limit your time to complete coursework week by week?
Do you prefer to learn in an intensive way keeping all taught fresh in your mind to complete a course faster?

Fast celebrant training over a series of days is good for those who have limited time due to employment, family or personal commitments. It is ideal for those who prefer to learn faster and for those who have been asked to act as a celebrant for a wedding, funeral or ceremony.

Accelerated Fast Celebrant Training

Our wedding and funeral celebrant training courses are mostly online, one a 1-2-1 Trainer/student basis, not in a classroom or online Zoom group situation. This is because we here at Choice Celebrant Training are the first and the only celebrant training company to offer every student celebrant individualised training. This means every student is trained as an individual who chooses not only their Celebrant Trainer, but also information based on what kind of celebrant they want to be. This can’t be taught in a group.

Accelerated Celebrant Training is our version of fast celebrant training. It is intensive and highly detailed which is why we allow a longer timeframe (with a personal study day inbetween), as there is a lot of information.

Accelerated Celebrant Training:

  • No travelling, no need to be away from your home, family, pets or commitments.
  • Courses for wedding or funeral celebrants.
  • Meet and greet your chosen Celebrant Trainer before your course starts to talk about your choices and to receive your pre course work and course information.
  • 10 week’s worth of wedding or funeral celebrant training into 4.5 days of intense, online, rigorous fast celebrant training with assignments to complete including ceremony creation.
  • 1 day of personal study
  • Daily online, live training from Celebrant Trainer to student.
  • Watching videos alone isn’t part of any of our training, nor is emailed coursework or downloading coursework from a website.
  • Access to your chosen Celebrant Trainer by phone/text/WhatsApp after each day’s learning if you require support or help with assignments.
  • Inclusion to a closed Facebook group with support from Choice Community Celebrants.
  • Assignments based on your choices of ceremonies learnt (if unsure, suggestions will be given to choose from).
  • Marketing, websites, branding, social media and self-employment information given as part of every course.
  • Access to an experienced professional graphic designer and web designer who will use his 30 year’s experience (10 of those creating many websites and branding for celebrants) to work with you to create your brand and your website. (No Canva or templated websites as offered elsewhere). Full support in more than just hosting as websites require more than this to gain work for celebrants.
  • You will become part of a community of celebrants who support and help each other and have free access to regular Zoom presentations on various topics of celebrancy.
  • Everything you learn will be up to date information and highly detailed, ensuring you have the knowledge required to immediately start working as a celebrant.
Fast celebrant training

Fast Celebrant Training Requirements

Our Accelerated Celebrant Training Courses are intense and detailed, with the same information given as is given on all our courses.  They are hard work, but this is enjoyable and interactive. Student celebrants are required to complete some work before the course starts and during the course at the end of each day. Unlike other fast celebrant training courses, we realise you must eat, sleep, function and carry out other commitments which is why we give either 1 or 2 study days enabling each student celebrant to focus on the course assignments during their study day(s).

Our Accelerated Learning Courses aren’t for everyone as some find the pace too demanding with family, pet, home life and other commitments. For many past students, it was the ideal way to learn to become a celebrant rather than completing a course over a series of weeks. We are all different, which is why we offer the choice.

If you are unsure if our fast celebrant training is for you, why not contact us for further information to discuss the best way for you to learn how to become a celebrant.