What is an Alternative Celebrant?

The term ‘alternative celebrant’ seems to be a very commonly used term for many celebrants, but what does it mean? Does it mean the person using the term is different to other celebrants, or does it mean they are an alternative person? An Alternative Celebrant is? An alternative celebrant could be a celebrant who does …

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How to Choose the Right Celebrant

How to Choose the Right Celebrant

Main image by Sophie Lavender Photos, Celebrant Katy Baggott Celebrancy has become an appealing job to many, and currently there aren’t any qualifications required to start working as a wedding or funeral celebrant. As a celebrant training and celebrant support company, this is a concern to us as there is so much more to being a …

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What is an Alternative Funeral?

traditional funeral

Alternative funerals have been around for far longer than many are aware of, but what is an alternative funeral and what happens differently than in a traditional funeral? Before this can be explored, a knowledge of what is deemed to be a tradition funeral is required. The definition of traditional is something carried out in …

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